Through this entry, we would like to share with you on our newly occupied sonde locator "RD7000" from Radio Detection. This job was done for Maxis Broadband where we locate the existing duct alignment at Bidor, Perak since the Lembaga Air Perak (LAP) is doing cross pipe-jacking to Maxis fiber optic cable
1. Using S18B small sonde 33kHz, this using will continuously transmit the signal underground
2. Clamp the sonde to standard cable rod and push it to the desired location
3. Start locate using RD7000 transceiver on the ground to detect the 33kHz signal
4. Visibly marked the duct alignment on the ground
5. We pegged the alignment using standard pegging wood
6. Example of pegging wood and tied up with barricade tape
7. We also expert in identify and locating the missing manhole cover
8. The missing buried manhole cover finally found
nice job bro......i think i hve seen red blue T-shirt worker doing their job at my area here at s.laam b4...